Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day 2013

This past weekend we spent the Labor Day holiday up in Door County at the Mitsche's new property on Sturgeon Bay. It was nice to relax with good company and to escape work and the city for a few days. The crew at the house was Diana, Cassie, and myself, Matt and Kim from Dallas, and Jim and Gwen. We enjoyed swimming, floating, sailing, croquet, boggle, settlers of Catan, star gazing, campfires, good food, and great views. The weather was beautiful on Saturday and Sunday; Labor Day Monday brought with it the unofficial end of summer with 50 degree weather and high winds (great for sailing!). We had a great visiting with everyone and hope to get up to the bay again sometime this fall. Here are some pictures from the weekend!

Floating with the crossword

Diana came to visit!

Matt out for a float

And Kim too!
Cassie just fetched her toy all weekend. When I didn't throw it she just swam around by herself.

Out in the Sunfish!

Teaching Matt how to sail

Putting the Sunfish to the test in 15 MPH wind and 4 ft waves. Lots of fun!

Relaxing in the hammocks

Cassie and Diana were especially tired from all of the excitement
Beautiful sunset on a great weekend!