Thursday, May 28, 2015

Happy Memorial Day!

This past weekend we enjoyed a great weekend up in Sturgeon Bay at Mom and Dad Mitsche's new house. We got out for some bike rides and got out on the water with some paddle boards. Cassie had a great time going out on the paddle board. She is a lucky pup and gets to stay up at the bay for over 2 weeks while Diana and I go on vacation to Montana and Seattle. We are lucky to have some good pup sitters willing to watch her! We hope to have lots to share when we get back from our trip!

Sunset from the new house

Cruisin on the paddle board.

Paddling together!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Spring has Sprung!

Well the weather here has been all over the place... 80 one day, 40 the next... but the flowers know it is spring time. Our garden in the back yard has started to show some nice color.

Close up of the tulips

Close up of the lilac

Cassie loves spring!
Nothing else new to report. This coming weekend we are heading north to Sturgeon Bay for Memorial Day, and to leave Cassie with our pup-sitters (Mom and Dad Mitsche). Next week Diana and I leave for a nice long vacation starting with a visit with Rob in Montana for a few days and then a train ride out to Seattle. Hopefully we will have a lot to share after that trip!