Thursday, November 12, 2015

Catch Up Blog - Edition 2

So we left off with our vacation out east. Well, before we went on that trip we experienced a very powerful electrical storm. I forgot to put it in the last post! So much energy in the sky and some very cool lightning and cloud formations, but no rain. Naturally, we stood outside and took pictures.

Ominous sky


It's electric

Now back to the chronological order of events from the last post. At the end of August, we made a trip to Madison to do some camping with our friends Nick and Michelle, and Cassie's friend Copper. Cassie and Copper love playing together, chewing each other's ears, and relaxing.

Best friends on the couch

Best friends on the dog bed

Best friends chewing ears
 It was a bit of a rainy weekend, which made for a muddy campground, and muddy pups. But we did do some hiking and had a good time. The campsite is a "hike in" site that is about a half mile from the parking area, so it is somewhere in between car camping and backpacking depending on how much you want to lug to the site. We lugged a lot.
Wrapping up a weekend of camping

We brought lots of stuff
To wrap up august, we spent some time in the yard with our good camera practicing taking pictures with different settings. We made some progress and learned some things, so I will leave you with some of those pictures. Cassie was a good model.

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