Saturday, January 14, 2017

Baby Projects!

We are just 5 weeks away from Baby M's (Name TBD) due date. Diana had an ultrasound a couple weeks ago to make sure he is growing well, and we were informed that he is in the 98th percentile for size. He's on pace to be a big boy. He is also sitting straight up, but otherwise doing well.

As we wait for him to flip over, Diana and I have been completing some projects for the baby's room. Diana used her creativity to create a wall hanging for over the crib. I constructed the hanging and Diana did the painting. Good team work.

Next, I thought it would be fun to try building something for the nursery, and decided on a bookcase. As a first big wood working project, I figured a bookcase was pretty straight forward and would be good practice. I found a good design plan online, and I was off.

Overall, the process was easy enough and fun. I had to acquire a few new tools (which is always fun), but learned that you definitely need the correct tools for furniture making. In particular, various types of clamps and an screw joint jig. It took a few hours here and there over several weekends, and I just finished it this past weekend. We think it turned out great.

Screw Joint Jig (Must Have)
One side assembled
Wood all cut for the shelves

Constructing the shelves. (Pipe clamps also a must have)
Frame Assembled
Constructing the top with lots of clamps.
Fully assembled and ready for finishing!

All done and loaded up with some books and toys

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